PinCUBED is a SaaS Website which enables YOU to organize your Solo and Collaborative Projects in a Visual manner. It acts as the interactive hub of all of the Dynamics related to your project. It contains everything you put in it and enables visualization from your desktop, smartphone, VR headgear, interactive conference rooms and wearables.
You can make your own project specific CUBE and invite collaborators to view, add PINs and jump inside with you. We also have pre-populated CUBEs relating to event planning, interior design and medicine fields with more being published and shared publicly every day.
You curate the internet the way you want it. Find it. Pin it. Do it. Build a cube. Fill it with the things you love. Work alone. Work together. Share what you've done. Keep it for yourself. Be a catalyst for good.
It's pinning with a purpose.
Our mission to “put soul in to your avatar” is achieved through our apps. In order to establish data for the individuals we first identified two types of inputs: tangible and intangible.
TANGIBLE data is gathered from wearables. We connect steps, heart rate, and even brainwaves with the express goal of how these elements relate directly to your CUBE Project.
INTANGIBLE data is gathered through a series of questions users answer to gather their feelings about a particular project. How confident do they feel, how many billable hours able to commit to the project and how do they work with the members of their team.
As you can imagine, in order to gather these data points we must connect to you. Each individual on your team will be able to track themselves and then volunteer the information to teammates in the form of scores, full answers and/or summaries of particular CUBE Projects. This is all wrapped into a bespoke algorithm. Using the stated goal your Project Leader identified, you measure analytics. Additionally, the app can enhance your MeetUps in real life. Using Augmented Reality, you can see through your smartphone or tablet, data associated with your colleagues such as their name, LinkedIn profile and the spreadsheet they PINned to the CUBE for that MeetUp. Since each Project CUBE
Once you have invited collaborators and created your PINCube Project, you have a few distinct viewing options; one of the most exciting is Virtual Reality. Currently, using Google Daydream and your smartphone, we can offer you exclusive access to our beta VR viewer. This simply allows you to open any of your PINs from your Project CUBE in VR.
Files that are .obj or 3D in anyway will appear to you and your collaborators in the space around you enabling you to build patterns between your ideas. This in turn, transforms concepts into your chosen reality.
In conjunction with the apps and the tangible and intangible data gathered from each teammate, you are able to walk through the Stages of CollabRation and determine when you are ready to export your entire CUBE Project to your 3D printer, CnC Router or HVAC contractor.
In Physical Reality we are surrounded by glass. How can we animate that glass? Our PINCubes, along with the Augmented Reality app, combine to create a dynamic collaborative space.
Augmented Reality is much like it sounds: take my current physical surroundings and enhance them; make them alive with Dynamics. Fill the space with information about the people on the team, onboard teammates and include all of the aspects of the project in real time.
If you have PINned every element of of the project, registered each of the collaborators on the team and linked each of the elements they need, you can have it all with you on desktop, smartphone, tablet, VR headgear and the walls of your conference room.