“Our Mission at SindyXR is to combine Apps + Humans and never let that balance go underestimated. ”

At Sindy we optimize XR (Xtended Reality) for great businesses that want and need to go 360. We do this by optimizing your projects with augmented reality; This is platform agnostic.

  • PIN hyperlinks to any cloud based data such as dropbox;

  • Assemble and visualize 3D files to express schematics and strategies such as .obj and sketchup creations;

  • connect your team using wearables such as an apple watch or a fitbit with our mobile apps;

  • Implement gamification built into our mobile apps to increase engagement and resonance between teammates;

  • gather all of these elements using common platforms such as facebook’s vr headgear, apple’s ar glasses or your laptop and finally,

  • build what you will with your creative, remote, team such as a film, event, brand or menu.

SindyCUBEs square logo.png

sindy-ar our webapp 3d interactive “pincube”

PinCUBED is a SaaS Website which enables YOU to organize your Solo and Collaborative Projects in a Visual manner. It acts as the interactive hub of all of the Dynamics related to your project. It contains everything you put in it and enables visualization from your desktop, smartphone, VR headgear, interactive conference rooms and wearables.

You can make your own project specific CUBE and invite collaborators to view, add PINs and jump inside with you. We also have pre-populated CUBEs relating to event planning, interior design and medicine fields with more being published and shared publicly every day.

You curate the internet the way you want it. Find it. Pin it. Do it. Build a cube. Fill it with the things you love. Work alone. Work together. Share what you've done. Keep it for yourself. Be a catalyst for good.

It's pinning with a purpose.