Next Level Collaboration


The media industry, especially within the information age, has been devoted to the maximization of auditory and visual stimulation: IMAX, 3D, surround sound. When you go to the movies, watch Netflix, throw a dance party, people strive to get the experience technology can provide, and that's what we strive to offer at SInDy. When using our platform, you will be able to access Spotify, SoundCloud, and Pandora, all with a simple hand motion. While 3D technology gives you an in-depth experience, SInDY will actually immerse you into a whole new world, a new reality where you will be able to truly bring your imagination to life before your very eyes. And when you collaborate with your team members, you will be able to implement interpersonal dynamics that will increase the efficiency of your art, making your visual and audio projects more stimulating than ever before. Access YouTube, Netflix, social media sites. A new world awaits you with new fresh eyes.



When using our products, we want you to go above and beyond the typical augmented reality experience. When you collaborate with your peers through SInDy, you will truly enter a new reality; a reality that enables you to not only see and hear, but also smell, taste, and touch. We are currently in the research stage of this new development, but we hope to one day add the 5 sensorial elements to your VR experience, including a 6th one: Feel. Feel (not to be mistaken with touch) will delve more into your inner self, your health, as well as how you sync with your wearables.  You will be able to smell different fragrances, such as coffee and lavender, shake hands with your other collaborators, and even taste foods such as Pesto and chocolate. This is the future and you will be the ones to experience it as well as create it.



There are many different creative people who will implement their work into the SInDy platform. In order for these creatives to get the most out of their VR experience, we have established 7 "Genres" for them to embellish themselves in: Live, Lensed, Real(Estate), Food, Pub(lication), Sales, and Freeform. Live incorporates creatives who produce destination experiences including people such as fashion designers and music tour coordinators. Lensed deals with people within the TV and Film industry who create stories through licensed content. Real is geared more towards architects, interior designers and developers who build homes and other real estate. Food deals with people running restaurants, directing a kitchen or anything that has to do with cuisine. Pub has to do with creatives who make YouTube videos or write novels, blogs, books. Sales is oriented more towards advertising and selling products on a commercial scale. And lastly, Freeform is meant for those who aren't sure which genre they fit in. This genre is meant for those who wish to create and learn from all. 

When collaborating within your cube, it's important follow certain stages that will help unlock your full creative potential. You first want to Brainstorm what kind of ideas you would like to delve into. You then want to Develop that idea further. Align yourself with your other collaborators; make sure you're all in agreement with the idea. Improve and refine your idea so that it's the best it can be. And then you want to Make it happen. Create it, design it. Make it yours. 



SInDY was created for the sole purpose of creating a new reality based on the foundation of collaboration and cooperation, uniting people around the world. Mindfulness: an ideal that promotes the idea of acceptance and open-mindedness. SInDy thrives on the idea of mindfulness, staying in the moment, being self aware enough to appreciate the values and ideas of others when creating a new work of art. It's a community of like-minded individuals who want to generate avant garde concepts into their work, who use all the tools available to them to represent the best of their abilities, their imagination. With these dynamics in place, you will not only be able to predict the future of communal collaboration, but create it. Each person will be assessed through the Myer-Briggs test to identify each collaborator's personality and will also be given questions to better evaluate the dynamic of each group. 



Predictive Analytics is the process of using various methods and techniques, such as data mining, statistics, references, modeling, and artificial intelligence to predict the future.  Many innovators and researchers use predictive analytics to predict the future, however, we at SInDy use it to create the next great platform that will propel creatives into a world that fully grasps the importance of their contributions to society. Currently, we are all using touch screen technology, integrating our personal lives within our smart phones and tablets to create new era of social connectivity.  At SInDy though, we asked ourselves what if we were to transcend beyond looking at a screen? What if people were able to immerse their entire beyond into a new reality that enables the use of all 5 senses? The future is timeless and with SInDy, you will be too.



We all have stories to tell, regardless of where you come from. These experiences, these adventures that we've all been through emanate from us every single day and are shown to the world through our creative work. No matter what we've been through or where we're going, it is important be the narrators of our own lives. Through SInDy, you will have all the tools and support necessary to give the best narration of your story, despite what you may think of it. Whether you identify as an artist, a mechanic, a mathematician, a writer, or a barista, storytelling is a crucial aspect within our lives and that is why we at SInDy make it one of the most essential functions within our reality.



Most people grew up playing games, not only because most children love playing games, but because games help us improve and exercise cognitive function. Gamification is the ideas of bringing gaming concepts, such as points, rounds, goals, gamertags and competition into another environment. In this case, we want to bring gamification into the workplace by augmented your reality. Although creatives develop new ideas and formulate stories, this is the work they have chosen to do, making the SInDy platform an ideal workplace for them to flourish. What we offer is a new work/collaboration environment with applied gamification, maintaining the passion creatives have to narrate their stories.  



We are at a turning point in communication right now. Way beyond the telephone, way beyond email, way beyond Facetime, we are creating a new form of communication that takes the 5 sensorial elements and implements them in a new space outside our physical reality. This is how collaboration and human connectivity will take another step forward. What SInDy will do is take elements of the physical reality and combine it with the virtual reality, in order to create an augmented reality where the real and the possible coincide in one space; one space where you can collaborate with people all over the world in ways you never thought before. These will be the conference rooms that will birth all of your creations and furthermore, advance us into the next innovative marvel. Regardless of location, you will be able to see your peers as if they were right in the room with you. You will be able to understand, track, and organize all your projects at your fingertips, while simultaneously being able to collaborate with your equals in a more personal way. This is only the first step into a much larger world of mixed reality collaboration. 



Math is considered by most people to be the universal language. Space, time, matter; they're all composed of mathematics. It is the language of logic, of the incomprehensible. However, the only thing math can't truly account for is art; feeling. Art and creation is the combined effort of all the artist's experiences. Art is the soul revealed for all to see and absorb. There is no right answer when analyzing it. These two concepts, math and art, are what make up our lives. Having a balance between them is what being a person is all about. When using the SInDy platform, we want you to implement an equal amount of hard logic and artistic skill when collaborating with your peers. Like Da Vinci's Vitruvian man, you will have a balanced preternatural human experience when using Collab101, PinCubed, and CollabRjabbR-VR. SInDY’s platform offers the latest sensorial technology, combined with age-old interpersonal dynamics so that you can create the best representation of the human soul.